Alexandra Breckenridge is dead sexy


Age: 29
Life:Los Angeles
Like: British men who are "well-spoken, thoughtful and intelligent".
Dislikes:British food, because it is "Eww".
On Twitter: @ alexandrabreck1
FYI: If it does not, Doll House, like they pictures of their friends "very beautiful". Check 'em out at

Have you seen still American horror story? You should completely. It is scary, strange and amazing. And thanks to Alexandra Breckenridge, it is also outrageously sexy - even if she plays a dead girl, spends her days attacking people. It makes no sense whatsoever. What make sense, are their stories about special time alone and dancing to hip-hop. And she was the voice of 50 characters on family guy. To Dan Jew read full interview with Alex, get the February issue of FHM, on shelves now... 

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